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Comment Wall

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Do you love Iron Man?
Do you love Captain America?
Do you love the Marvel Universe?


  1. Hi Amy!
    Wow, you have already gotten so much done on your storybook! It is really impressive that you have been able to develop your project so early on. I really like how you were able to personalize your storybook so much and make it about something that clearly interests you. I think making it so modern and based off of modern, popular stories really adds a layer of intrigue to your storybook. I have not read all of your stories in detail, but I am definitely interested to go back and see how you were able to retell these Marvel stories. I also really like the way your storybook looks. You really designed it well to match the theme. Good job and good luck in the future, I am really interested to see your progress throughout the semester!

  2. Hi Amy! I really love your website layout and the overall theme. After reading over the origin story to Ashwatthama: The Final Avenger, I’m really drawn into the narrative. The background images help in setting a mood of mysticism and power. Likewise, the images assist the readers in imagining the rage of Ashwatthama, the all-powerful Drona weapon, and the ensuing bloodshed caused by Ashwatthama. These details help strengthen the story’s impact on the readers and increases engagement with the content. I also appreciate the lack of dialogue with the origin story, as it makes the story feel like a mystical tale passed down from legends. Origin stories are always in the past, but dialogue breaks this sense of time and makes it feel like it’s currently happening. I also feel like the detail of integrating the weapon earlier in order to remind him of his father successfully amplifies the pain Ashwatthama must feel, and it makes him a little more humane and compassionate, as you mentioned. Overall, it was a great origin story!

  3. Hello Amy. I really liked your stories. Focusing first on the introduction, I like how you introduce Ashwatthama by introducing him as dynamic character by showing him as someone who is deep down not a bad person. Instead he is just someone who has made mistakes when trying to get revenge for his father's death. In my opinion this makes him somewhat of a likeable character as he is not heartless and he only did what he did as a way to avenge his father. Also because he realizes that he does not deserve to live I feel some sympathy for him. Additionally, I thought it was ironic that he was cursed with immortality as this is something that is not traditionally thought of as a negative thing. But obviously in this circumstance it is. I think you did a really good job of introducing a character whose possible redemption is easy to root for.

  4. Comment on The Story Ashwatthama: The Final Avenger EXILE.
    Great descriptors I get some great visuals from the descriptive language you use for the setting. There are some really large time gaps between the paragraph it would be nice to have some more information about what is going on then. I am a sucker for a love story and like that you included romance. You mention that Nadia is dying but give no information from what or why and I think other readers and myself would appreciate more explanation. I appreciate that Ashwatthama only kills bad people reminds me of the show Dexter about a serial killer. As far as character development goes for Ashwatthama goes I think your plot allows plenty of room for that. You include many details about the sad parts of his life when he is particularly violent and I think it could be nice if you added more details about how he feels when he is happy with Nadia so the reader can better see that he is capable of good.

  5. Hi Amy! I am a huge fan of the Marvel Universe and was so excited to see your site. The site itself is perfectly fitting for the theme and is very well organized. The way you have formatted it in the intro reminded me of the comic intros. I also liked the story a lot. The introduction story is a great backstory of Ashwatthama and gives a lot of details about the backstory of Ashwatthama. I like how the story telling was pieced together to give not only the back story but also give character to Ashwatthama to make him an Avenger. The details of the characters feelings and emotions made a great insight into the events and give more depth to the characters and the events. Overall it is a great story to set up the rest of the site and the stories of Ashwatthama. I can't wait to see how the stories progress in the Avenger style.

  6. Hello Amy! I was so excited when I saw that your stories were based on the avengers because I have always enjoyed watching all of the Avenger's movies. After reading your "infinity War" story I was very intrigued by how well Ashwatthama blended into the Marvel universe. One thing I was curious about while reading was why it took 18 years for Ashwatthama to obtain a Ph.D, what schooling did he have to start with? Also he is immortal so I was curious about his aging. Has he stayed young all this time? Does he look older? Also, is he able to shape-shift to show different forms of himself similar to Hanuman? These are all questions that I hope i get the answer to! I can't wait to continue reading the rest of your stories!

  7. WOW! AMY! This is great! I cannot believe you have so much done already! this storybook is absolutely insane visually, and I really appreciate all the hard work you are putting into it. I saw the title of the final avenger and I was so intrigued thinking I would see an introduction and I would then bookmark this page to see how your storybook faired throughout the semester, but it is basically finished. I love how many images you have incorporated throughout your book and it is super helpful visually to see all of the visual aspects of this! I like that you used your introduction as an origin story for this character, and I like that you didn't try to put this character into the marvel universe necessarily at the beginning, but built him up as his own thing. You were then able to shift this character into a modern era, and show how he changes throughout time. I love how you included characters from WandaVision, I am obsessed with that show right now, I have yet to finish it because my roommates won't let me watch it without them, but I will soon! I cannot wait to see what else you add if you do add anything to this storybook but it is coming along so nicely right now I am very impressed how you managed to take a character and blend them into the marvel universe in a sensical way!

  8. Hello Amy! I must say that I really enjoy the layout of your website. As soon as I clicked on the link to see it I was amazed with all off the vibrant colors as well as the awesome, avenger themed background. Your site is not only very visually appealing, but also very easy to navigate. I also like the tough of the comment wall button instead of just having a link! As for your story, I read "Infinity War". In my opinion this was a very creative and fun to read take on the original. You are quite the story teller, maybe I will be one day too haha! Loved it! Another thing that I noticed that you did very well is incorporating dialogue. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed checking out your website and reading your story. Looking forward to reading more from you over the course of the rest of this semester.

  9. Hi Amy! I love your website's design — it's very eye catching! I think writing Ashwatthama as an "avenger" is brilliant, and I so enjoyed reading each of your stories. I think it's very creative, and I had fun reading them. I love how you integrated Ashwatthama into the Marvel universe. It didn't feel unnatural at all, it was very well done. Great job!

  10. Hi Amy! First off, the set-up of your website is SO COOL! I love how your stories have the universe background with pictures next to the different sets of texts. I had a little trouble reading with the intricate background, but it was so worth it! I also like how you separated the story with the author's note. Like the story is in the universe while the author's note is in the white at the bottom! I have not seen a website with so much action (pun intended hehe)! It was so fun to see how you wove the avenger's theme into the Mahabharata story. Your creativity is endless!

  11. Hey Amy!

    Your stories were very well written and fit in with the MCU much better than I expected they would going into it. I do have a couple pieces of criticism. The first is that at times it was hard to read over the background. I’m not sure if there is a way to do it on Google Sites, but one thing that could help with that is to place partially transparent black layer between the text and the background. It would help make the text pop out a bit more while keeping the background visible.

    The other thing I recommend is trying to use more beats in your dialogue. This is an editing challenge that I just worked on myself. For example, in your Exile story, your dialogue uses “he says” “she says” quite a bit. One way to adjust that could be by changing

    Nadia says, "What a beautiful name, Ash."
    Nadia smiles, “What a beautiful name, Ash.”

    Accomplishes the same thing, but gives a little bit more life to the conversation and makes it flow a bit better.

    I wonder if Ash could have encountered Captain America or Captain Marvel at some point in the 1900s. If Ash was still fighting at the time, it could make sense that he may have been involved in the World Wars, in which case there could have been the potential for Captain America and Ash to have met long ago.

  12. Hi Amy! I love the set up of your website and think that it is extremely unique. I love the way that your story have universe background and how they all have picture that go with the different sets of texts. I do feel like the background is a little difficult to read, however I managed! I think your stories were very creative and dun! I love how you stuck with the theme and used the avenger theme which made it very visually appealing. I think you are great art telling the story! I love how you had some dialogue which kept the story interesting. Writing Ashwatthama as an avenger was a great idea on your end! Everything flowed together very well and it all made sense. Overall I think you did a great job on the story and the set up of the site and I cannot wait to see how the stories progress!

  13. Hello Amy! Your story and website were set up greatly and I enjoyed reading all your stories from start to finish. The background photos definitely added to the cosmic vibe and made me feel like Ashwatthama was a great deity of many powers. Transitioning from the background stories explaining Ashwatthama's origin into the universe of the Avengers was done in a solid manner and made the saga heavily more interesting. The dialogue between Ashwatthama's and the characters were a little lacking, and could've had more content added to them. The story involving the fights was written in an entertaining manner and made it feel like Ashwatthama truly fit in with the MCU and was a staple character here to stay. The photos used throughout the stories added to the atmosphere of it being a heroic comeback for Ashwatthama, as the visual appeal was very high. Your stories flowed together very well and were seamlessly written together.

  14. Hi Amy! I’m REALLY impressed with your storybook! First of all, your website looks excellent. I love the images that you’ve chosen. The galaxy textures in the background does not distract from the text, but it reminds the reader of the Avengers theme. The artistic renderings of Hanuman, Ashwatthama, and other characters are all epic, high quality, and even fit well with the color schemes. Well done finding them! My only critique of the visual aspect of your website is that on the title page, the red, white, and blue fonts for Ashwatthama’s name make it a bit hard to read. I see what you’re going for, but I think it would still look great if you did the whole thing in white or even silver. As for your stories, they were all excellent. I love how you provided such a rich backstory for Ash, and your author’s notes do a great job of explaining your thought process. You have a mix of action and emotional character development that I love. You’ve really knocked it out of the park!

  15. Hi Amy,
    First of all, wow, I actually felt like I was in the story with your background/layout/frequent use of pictures. You obviously worked very hard on this, and it payed off extremely well in this aspect of your project. At the same time, strengths can also be weaknesses. I was one who loved the background and descriptive pictures, but this can also be disturbing to some, so maybe just be careful. I also loved that you added in the battler with Ghatotkatcha. This story was by far my favorite, because it explains to us the difference of good and evil. In the Jataka tales and the Mahabharata, they do an excellent job at distinguishing between the two sides. You always do an incredible job of this too I must say. Maybe I'm the only one, but I was so utterly upset when Ghatotkatcha dies! It looks good, Amy!

  16. Hey Amy!
    I love your site concept! Coincidentally enough, I have rewatched (for a hundred times) Infinity Wars and Endgame last weekend! So, when I saw your website title, I was like, “yay! The Avengers!”. Your stories fit really well the Marvel Universe; it’s like Ashwatthama is truly from it and can be part of the Avengers. I’ll focus on “End Game.” I really like how you place each paragraph, and thanks to the images, we can picture the events quite easily. Moreover, I really like the ending; Ashwatthama deserved this happy ending, and as you said, ow he can be happy with the people he loved in the afterlife.
    I think your author’s notes were concise and straightforward. It was helpful in specific cases!
    I really like the design of your website; it really matches the Marvel Universe and the Avengers as well. Your website is clear and easy to navigate.
    Thanks for your story!


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