Microfiction: The Call

Drabble version (100-words):

The Call 
(Based on True Story)

"Hi Nana", I answered the phone.

"Hey Kiddo! How are you doing?", she answered.

"Just waiting for my next class nana. I-"

Before I finished my sentence, she interrupts "I got to go kiddo. Just wanted to say I love you. Tell your mom and dad I miss them!"

I thought it was odd but didn't give it much thought. An hour later, I went home and found my parents in the living room. My mother's face was swollen, from crying I presumed. She said, "Honey, we found out nana passed away last night."

Phone Call (Source: PinClipart)

Dribble version (50-words):

The Call 
(Based on True Story)

I haven't been able to stop crying when my phone rang. "Hi Kiddo, I don't really have much time. Just wanted to say I love you. Tell your mom and dad I miss them!" My heart sunk as I was hearing the voice of the woman I am mourning.

Author's note: This story is similar to my previous one. But, this was actually based on a true story my coworker told me recently in which she experienced the same events. It sent chills down my whole body. In a way, it is sort of sweet and creepy at the same time.


  1. Hi Amy! Wow, your microfictions are amazing! I love how with microfictions we are able to tell such poignant stories with such few words, and you definitely did a great job at evoking emotions. I really enjoyed reading them, and I loved how you managed to tell the same story in 50 words that you did in 100. I enjoyed reading both of your microfictions!

  2. Hi Amy!
    Wow! I love how your story can be emotional and poignant with just a few words! It is so fascinating to see that you can write with only 50 words the same story without losing the strong sad emotion.
    Thanks for your work, and I’m eager to read your next stories. I’m going to read your other microfictions immediately!


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