Microfiction: Fishes?

Three fishes named Very-Skillful, Skillful and Unskillful decided to escape into a large river from home to play. Very-skillful wants to go home as the large river is very dangerous with lots of fishermen fishing, but his siblings didn't want to. This irritated Very-skillful as it was getting close to sunset. 

Suddenly, a lot of fishermen came nearby preparing to fish. They were about to pull out their nets and fishing line when suddenly one of them said "Hey boys! Get out of the river!" 

That is when Very-skillful, Skillful and Unskillful realized... to stop playing fish and go home.

Three Fishes (Source: Grammarly)

Author's note: 

This microfiction was inspired by one of the Jakata tales from this week's reading "The Three Fishes." In the original story, essentially Very-skillful saved his siblings from a fishing net. Because of this, the siblings agree to return home. I wanted to write something simple and lighthearted. This is probably not my best work but I really wanted to do a cute Lil' story inspired by the Jakata tale.

Bibliography. "The Three Fishes" from More Jakata Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt (1922). Web Source.


  1. Hi! I really like your story. It was very easy to follow and it was interesting as well. Cute story!

  2. Hello Amy! I really enjoyed reading your microfiction story. It was such a fun and lighthearted story. I liked how simple and concise your writing was, super easy to follow along. The simplicity of the story kept things light, interesting, and entertaining to read. Nice job! :)

  3. Hi Amy! I found your microfiction story to be really interesting and fun to read! I am not really familiar with this specific Jakata tale, but you made it really easy to follow along. It seems like a lighthearted story, and one that deserves more attention. I have read several of your stories, and I really like your writing style so keep up the good work!

  4. Hi Amy! I really enjoyed reading your microficition. I thought it was short and sweet and lighthearted! Each of the fishes in the beginning of the story had a different plan for the day, but when the fisherman came, they all went home. This was a unique story and I honestly enjoyed it! A very simple story and meaning! Overall a very cute story!

  5. Hi Amy, I think your micro fiction was very lighthearted and cute! The idea of kids playing pretend and how you were able to word it in a way that the audience doesn't know that they are boys until the end! Nice job, I enjoyed reading this!!


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