Nina and her Terrible Boyfriend: Week 5 Story

Texting (Source: Livewire)


Nina: I made it to India!

Amy: How's Dave doing? Have you seen the place?

Nina: It's perfect! Although, I found tampons and lipstick in his bathroom drawer. Not sure what that is about??

Amy: OMG! Nina...

Nina: I know what you are gonna say. DONT.

Amy: Just make sure you are taking care of yourself, okay? I don't wanna see you get hurt.

Nina: He's acting weird though. I'm not sure if he's just tired or what..

Amy: He might be tired. Didn't he just get out of work too?

Nina: True, True


Amy: Hey! Sorry I haven't texted you in weeks. Been super busy here:(

Nina: GIRL! No worries! I'm settling into the new job. The weather has been really nice and warm!

Amy: That's great! How are you and Dave doing? Is he still being weird?

Nina: Not really...yes? no? I mean he's changed but I think that's just the new him.

Amy: WDYM?!

Nina: Well at first he told me not to kiss him in public as it can be seen as inappropriate in India which makes sense. But, he wouldn't even touch me even when we are at home. He keeps saying he's not in the mood, or he's just really tired...

Amy: Weird...Definitely talk to him about it. Just be straight up!

Nina: Will do!:) TTYL




Nina: I get to go back to the states tomorrow!


Nina: Yes! I have a business trip to New York City for a week.

Amy: NOT SF?!?! :( :(

Nina: yea:(

Amy: Well, at least we'll be in the same time zone:) Is Dave coming?

Nina: Nope. He was the one that brought up the idea of me going to our boss.

Amy: Hmm. sus.

Nina: Yeah.. Maybe this time apart will be good for us.

Amy: maybe......


Nina: He broke up with me


Nina: through an email. All he said was don't come back to India.

Amy: No...

Nina: Yeah... I'm going to fight for him

Amy: No Nina. He's not worth it.

Nina: Yes he is.

Amy: I just don't want to see you hurt.

Nina: I know. I just need to try. We've been together forever. It's not something I can easily let go.

Amy: Call me! I'm here for you.

Nina: OK


Amy: How's the new cat?

Nina: LOVE HER. Wanna hang?

Amy: Can't:( Stuck reading for this Indian epics class:(

Nina: Do it tomorrow!!

Amy: I can't. Plus, I am really into this story

Nina: What story?

Amy: Ramayana! You should definitely give it a go too!

Nina: Will do!:)


Nina: I can't put the book down

Amy: OMG! You know I am the one taking the class right.

Nina: Yeah, but I relate so much to Sita. I wanna know what happens to her in the end!

Amy: Oh boy.. you're in for a ride.

Nina: Wouldn't this make a good film?

Amy: Ramayana?

Nina: Yea! Like Sita's story

Amy: Definitely. She's always so blue it suits your aesthetic

Nina: Ha. ha. ha. 

Author's note: This storytelling was really fun for me to do. I enjoyed this new format of the story. I really stuck to the original story but added the reasoning behind why Nina picked up the Ramayana book. the original story had parallels of Sita and Rama, and Nina and Dave. On another note though, Dave is a terrible guy. I wanted to do a conversation back and forth between best friends. In this case, it was between me and Nina if Nina was my friend. 

Bibliography: "Sita Sings the Blues" by Nina Paley. 2008. Source: Web Source


  1. Wow. You are really getting ahead in this class.

  2. Amy, this was a great story! I really enjoyed the text format, it made it easy to read but also interesting. I also liked how you showed time passing through the comments they made, instead of including any dates. I read this story really fast because of how well-written it was--it drew me in instantly! Great job with all of the work so far!

  3. Hi Amy! This story was so entertaining to read! I loved the script style to it, this is the first story I have read with a script-style of writing! I loved how you incorporated our class into the story and how the story has a very real-life take, especially with the best friend telling Nina not to get back with the man in order to protect herself. But I am dying to know what happened with the boyfriend, it seemed like an essential part of the story so I was a little confused how he kind of disappeared. I also thought maybe that was a message how the people who do not treat you right in life fade away and the people who love you will always be there. I do think some insight on what happened with the boyfriend could be beneficial to the story, but that might just be because I love the drama! I really enjoyed this story and am excited to read more of your stories this semester!

  4. Hey Amy, I love your style of writing and the way it ties into Rama and Sita. Your texting style made this so entertaining to read and was so unique. I thought that you personified the characters extremely well and they felt like real people having a real conversation. I find myself struggling to make conversations come off as genuine in writing so great job! I understand why you chose not to, but I can't help but think it would have been interesting to flesh out the relationship between Nina and Dave prior to their relationship issues. That way the readers could maybe feel more attached to the characters and feel for Nina even more. Another interesting idea would have been to have Nina text other people than just Amy. That way you could show different sides of Nina and show her relationships with other characters as well. Overall I really loved your story and I thought the whole idea was super creative and told very well Great job!

  5. Hi Amy! This format is cool; I have never tried writing a story like a text message conversation, but it feels so modern (to re-vitalize some ancient stories like the Ramayana) that I should give it a try! Dave does sound like a terrible guy, but I would love to know more about his relationship with Nina...what was really going on? Who was this other woman he was cheating on Nina with?

  6. Hey Amy! I really enjoyed this style of writing and storytelling, because it felt so real yet also conveyed the narrative seamlessly. The formatting is really nice as well, and the dialogue is really natural. I definitely like how the Ramayana is connected to the narrative with parallels of Sita and Rama’s dynamic with Nina and Dave. It was a great story!


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