Reading Notes: Other Jakata Tales, Part B

Bibliography. "The Elephant and the Dog" from More Jakata Tales by Ellen C. Babbitt (1922). Web Source.

Focus Story: The Elephant and the Dog

- Elephant and the dog became best friends after continuous visits by the dog to eat the elephant's leftovers. 
- They became close and would do everything together.
- One day, comes a farmer who catches a glimpse of the dog. He wants the dog and offers to buy it from the elephant-keeper who agrees.
- Over time, the elephant became more and more depressed as he misses his best friend to the point he would not eat or bathe.
- The king found out about this and announces a large reward for the return of the dog.
- The dog returns and they lived happily ever after.

 Watch: Elephant and a Dog BFFs Play Fetch Together - E! Online

Elephant and Dog (Source: ENews)

Thoughts: This was such a cute and endearing story. I love how loyal the elephant was to the point he would not eat without his best friend. The plot of this story is about pure friendship and I am all for it. It makes sense that the elephant-keeper did not care whatsoever about the dog, especially if money was offered. I am glad the king had the bigger heart and would pay as much as needed for the return of the dog for the elephant's well being. Overall, I enjoyed reading this and this would be a good story for a children's book.


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