Reading Notes: Sita's Ramayana, Part A

Bibliography. "Ramayana Part A" from Tales 31-50 of Tiny Tales from the Ramayana by Laura Gibbs. Web Source.

Sita by Raja Ravi Varma (Source: Wikimedia)

Focus Character:
Sita is the adopted daughter of King Janaka. Janaka claimed she was gifted to him by Budhevi, the earth goddess. Her love story with Rama is what drew me to her. She is unlike the other female characters as she is powerful as well.

Other stories from the Ramayana

- Sita is a reincarnation of the goddess Lakshmi, given birth by Ravana's wife Mandodari. She buried the baby away from Lanka. This was found by Janaka.

- Padma, an incarnation of Lakshmi, had a father King Padmaksha who was killed by Ravana. She entered into the king's pyre and transformed into a jewel. Ravana kept this jewel in a box but when his wife opened it, she found a baby. The baby threatened to destroy Ravana. The box was then buried away from Lanka and was later found by Janaka.

Synopsis from Part A:

The story begins with a bow that used to belong to the god Shiva. The bow was now kept by King Janaka. Sita and her sisters were cleaning when she discovered that she was capable of lifting the bow easily. Lifting the bow was impossible for others as it was extremely heavy. King Janaka used this as a test to search for a suitor for Sita. Sita was desirable and admired by many princes. However, none, including Ravana, were able to lift the bow. Sita prayed for a husband and the prayers came true when she fell in love at first sight with Rama in a garden. Rama, who felt the same way, visits the court and was able to lift the bow impressing everyone including King Janaka. Rama accidentally snapped the bow as he was charmed with Sita.

Sita married Rama while her sisters married Rama's brothers. Sita came to Ayodhya and had a happy married life with Rama (at least so far). She got along with her mother-in-law Queen Kaushalya as well.

Story Telling Ideas: 

I really enjoyed Sita's story as it is unlike the others. Her story is sort of a princess fairytale story (of course with its own complicated twists and turns). The main idea I have now is to write the story from a Bridgerton sort of narrative as most of her story in part A is essentially looking for a husband. I'm still wondering if baby Sita actually remembers Ravana as an adult? 


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