Sita's Last Letter: Week 4 Story


It's been more than a few years since I have seen you. Who would have thought that I would be this distant from you, the love of my life. The first time I laid my eyes on you after the war, I knew that you were slowly falling out of love with me. Your eyes were no longer sparkling like they used to. My heart was broken into a million pieces. You had doubts, doubts I still do not understand to this day. I was never unfaithful to you. You are the only man I have ever loved. I was willing to die than to live without you.  I was willing to be nothing than to be something without you. Every time Ravana would torture and torment me, I would remind myself that you would come back to me. 

Despite how many times I had to prove my innocence to you, you did not care as all you cared about was what the public think. I did not know what to do. Hence, I surrendered. I would do anything you asked of me, even exile. I had to raise our children without you, without their father, and without my husband.

Yesterday, the twins turned four years old. Every day, I would look into their beautiful brown eyes that I once stared into with you. They sing all day and night until they no longer can, and I enjoy every second of it. They are the joy of my life that filled the empty hole inside of me. Valmiki has taught them all the stories of your adventure. I've tried telling them the truth, but I could never do it. Maybe, Valmiki would one day. 

I am writing this to you as I finally realized something. I realized that you were never intentionally hurting me. You were doing what you had to as a king for your kingdom, and I cannot hate you for that. Maybe, one day we will reunite or maybe death will come first. I want you to know that I forgive you for everything. And if death would take me first, I will see you in the next lifetime.

Sita and Valmiki (Source: Sita Sings the Blues)

Author's note: In the original Ramayana, Sita came back from the war and Rama has his doubts. Sita shortly becomes pregnant, but Rama still has his doubts even after Sita has proven herself. Rama worries what the public might think and sends his pregnant wife away. In this version, I wanted to write a letter from Sita's perspective addressed to Rama. This is a way for Sita to express her feelings and thoughts. This is sort of a goodbye letter to Rama, but also a way for her to find forgiveness.

 "Ramayana Part D" from Tales 151-200 of Tiny Tales from the Ramayana by Laura Gibbs. Web Source.


  1. Hey Amy! Wow! I really like your decision to tell this story as a letter. I haven’t gotten to this portion of the Ramayana yet, but I know about it from my project research, and you really capture the heartbreaking nature of Sita and Rama’s falling out. Sita’s words, from your writing, are truly moving because of how you talk about her faithfulness and remembering Rama during her abduction. The only thing I would suggest is adding something to the paragraph about the twins about how Rama is missing his sons growing up. I think that would dial up the emotion of the letter even more. Again, I really enjoyed this story, and it makes me look forward to reading the original next week. Keep it up!

  2. Hi Amy! I absolutely loved your story. I have been on a love letter kick recently, so I was excited when I saw you wrote a love letter. I love the way you captured Sita's emotions when Rama was accusing her of cheating. You also did an amazing job of displaying her resilience and her understanding nature of why Rama acted this way. It truly showed her devotion towards him. The last line is full of so much emotion and heartbreak, yet is so beautifully written.


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