Poor Turtle: Week 11 Story

The Tortoise and Geese (Source: Katha Kids)

The turtle lives by a pond, where when others see him they would dodge. 

He would talk all day and night, and they would scurry out of sight. 

The turtle has two geese friends, whose love no one could comprehend.

The geese offer to carry him to the mountain, so he could talk forever to a new surrounding

The turtle bit on a stick, which two ends the geese lift

Up up they go, when kids start laughing below

The turtle gets annoyed. Can't take anymore, he finally voiced.

Straight down he fell, cracks open the turtle's shell

Bibliography. "The Talkative Tortoise" From The Giant Crab, and Other Tales from Old India by W. H. D. Rouse. Websource.

Author Notes: First of all, I am terrible at rhymes but I was up for the challenge for this week's storytelling assignment. I decided to do a rhyme-microfiction story. I changed to format to two different colors to make it easier for readers to read it. The story is pretty straightforward and I kept the general plot the same. It reminded me of "curiosity killed the cat," which in this case is the talkativeness of the turtle killed the turtle. 


  1. Hi Amy!

    I loved that you turned this story into a rhyme. Your author's note says your terrible at rhymes but I thought you did so good! Definitely better than I could have done. The only change I would make is to the fifth line, the second half, I think this would sound slightly better: the ends of which the geese lift.

  2. HI Amy! I love that you chose to do a rhyming micro fiction assignment. I had not really heard of this method of storytelling so it was very interesting to come across. I liked how it was kind of similar to a mother goose story in the fairytale rhyme aspect of it! It was a good summary of the story! I read this story as well and I felt like you did a good job capturing its essence.


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