Reading Notes: Twenty Jataka Tales, Part A

Focus Story: The Master's Test

The Master's Test (Source: Archive)

Premise: A master teaches his pupils who are concern as he is getting older.

1. He tells his pupils to "seize a rich man's purse where no one is watching."

2. All his pupils, but one, obeys.

3. The one pupil says it is impossible to do the task as "there is no place wherein no one is watching."

4. The master is proud, as he is the only one who understood him.

5. The other pupils become embarrassed. They will always remember "My self is watching."

Bibliography. "The Master's Test" from Twenty Jakata Tales by Noor Inayat. Websource.

Author's note: I really enjoy the message from this story. At first, I was taken back from what the master asked his pupil to do but the ending was really sweet. It made me feel like I was the other pupils: embarrassed that I didn't catch the message.


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