
Showing posts from February, 2021

The Quails: Week 12 Story

The Quails King Quail has been very upset Time after time, a man would hunt them with a net When he does, he never seems to fail He takes what he captured, to the market he sells King Quail devises a plan To beat the man, he's sure they can He tells the quails when the time comes, fly up together To be strong, work together, and never ever surrender The plan works. The quails survive each time Til one day, two quails get into a fight A man comes closer and sees the opportunity The king warns the other, while the two quails ignore foolishly The other quails fly away with the king while the other two were never seen A man hunting the quails  ( Websource ) Bibliography . "The Quarrelsome Quails" from Twenty Jakata Tales by Noor Inayat.  Websource . Author's Note: I kept the true story and plot of Inayat's The Quarrelsome Quails. I wanted to do a story in rhymes. I really did not change anything from the original story. The biggest challenge I set for myself for this...

Reading Notes: Twenty Jakata Tales, Part B

Focus Story : The Quarrelsome Quails The Quarrelsome Quails (Source:  Archive ) Premise : Quails live in the forest. Every now and then, a man would come to hunt the quails to sell them. He uses a net to capture multiple at once.  1. King Quail grows tired of the men who keep trying to steal them. He devises a plan. He tells the quails to fly up all together at once when they are captured by the net. 2. The King's plan works out. The men grew tired of this but they know that sooner or later the quails will fight. 3. One special day, two quail got into a fight. The king sees this and warns the others. A man notices this opportunity and captures them along with several others. The king and the other live happily ever after. Bibliography . "The Quarrelsome Quails" from Twenty Jakata Tales by Noor Inayat.  Websource . Author's note : All the stories I have chosen for my reading notes have been stories I enjoyed. To spice things up, I wanted to choose something different t...

Reading Notes: Twenty Jataka Tales, Part A

Focus Story : The Master's Test The Master's Test (Source: Archive ) Premise : A master teaches his pupils who are concern as he is getting older. 1. He tells his pupils to "seize a rich man's purse where no one is watching." 2. All his pupils, but one, obeys. 3. The one pupil says it is impossible to do the task as "there is no place wherein no one is watching." 4. The master is proud, as he is the only one who understood him. 5. The other pupils become embarrassed. They will always remember "My self is watching." Bibliography . "The Master's Test" from Twenty Jakata Tales by Noor Inayat. Websource . Author's note : I really enjoy the message from this story. At first, I was taken back from what the master asked his pupil to do but the ending was really sweet. It made me feel like I was the other pupils: embarrassed that I didn't catch the message.

Poor Turtle: Week 11 Story

The Tortoise and Geese (Source: Katha Kids ) The turtle lives by a pond, where when others see him they would dodge.  He would talk all day and nigh t , and they would scurry out of sight.  The turtle has two geese friends , whose love no one could comprehend. The geese offer to carry him to the mountain , so he could talk forever to a new surrounding The turtle bit on a stick , which two ends the geese lift Up up they go, when kids start laughing below The turtle gets annoyed . Can't take anymore, he finally voiced. Straight down he fell , cracks open the turtle's shell Bibliography . "The Talkative Tortoise" From The Giant Crab, and Other Tales from Old India by W. H. D. Rouse.  Websource . Author Notes : First of all, I am terrible at rhymes but I was up for the challenge for this week's storytelling assignment. I decided to do a rhyme-microfiction story. I changed to format to two different colors to make it easier for readers to read it. The story is pr...

Reading Notes: Cunning Crane and the Crab, Part B

The Cunning Crane and The Fishes (Source:  Archive ) Focus Story from Part B: The Cunning Crane and the Crab Bibliography . "The Cunning Crane and the Crab" From The Giant Crab, and Other Tales from Old India by W. H. D. Rouse.  Websource . Premise : The fishes live in a little pool that began to become really hot while a crane lives by another lake that has always been cool.  1. The crane offers to move the fishes one by one to the other pool but the fishes are suspicious as they suspect the crane would just eat them. 2. An old fish with one eye offers to go first to check if the cool lake is real. The crane brings the old fish to the cool lake and brings him back to tell the other fishes. 3. The old fish tells the other fish that the lake is real, convincing them to trust the crane. 5. Little did the fishes know, the crane is tricking them. One by one, the crane carries them toward the other lake. However, the crane eats them each time. 6. The crane eats all of them. In...

Reading Notes: Talkative Tortoise, Part A

The Talkative Tortoise (Source: Archive ) Focus Story from Part A: The Talkative Tortoise Bibliography . "The Talkative Tortoise" From The Giant Crab, and Other Tales from Old India by W. H. D. Rouse. Websource . Premise : The Tortoise was extremely talkative to the point he would talk every second of every day. He lived in a pond and had two best friends, two geese. Those who live in the pond with the Tortoise have grown extremely annoyed with him. 1. The two geese ask the Tortoise to move in with them in the mountains but the Tortoise is concern as he can't fly. The geese offer to carry him. 2. The geese command the Tortoise to bite on a stout stick, that way the two geese can carry both ends. They warn the Tortoise not to talk as he has to hold on tightly on the stick. 3. As they start flying to the mountains, a lot of boys look up and see the tortoise being carried by the geese. This annoys the Tortoise but he is ignorant of the danger that he opened his mouth and sta...